fight song - um possível reflexo de uma sociedade

Nothing suffocates you more than passing on everyday human events
And isolation is the oxygen mask you make your children breath to survive

I´m not a slave to a god that doesn´t exist
I´m not a slave of a world that doesn´t give a shit

And when we were good
You just close your eyes
So when we are bad
We´ll scar your minds


You´ll never grow up to be a big-rock-star-celebrated-victim-of-your-fame
They´ll just cut our wings like cheap coupons
And say that death was on sale today

And when we were good
You just close your eyes
And when we are bad
We´ll scar your minds

But i´m not a slave to a God that doesn´t exist
I´m not a slave to a world that doesnt give a shit

The death of one is a tragedy
the death of a million is just statistic


Marilyn Manson

Embora já não ouça este jovem com tanta assiduidade como já fiz, há uns dias atrás vi o videoclip desta música num documentário de outro senhor, Michael Moore.
Acho que esta música reflecte um pouco a sociedade egoísta e hipócrita em que nós vivemmos...

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Tive um arrepio na espinha, li o comentário anterior e por momentos pensei que era o Miguel Ângelo. Ufa...
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